Fiza, 19. I love Allah. I love Rasulullah. I love Islam. I love my family and friends. I love Malaysia. Still trying to be a better daughter and muslimah. Thanks for dropping by :-)

Friday, March 8, 2013


The purpose i'm writing this post is to express myself in a better way, i mean in a more-awesome-feeling-of writing-ha ha ha ha.
Nak luah kat twitter, mcm tak best. Everyone are watching, then they will start judging about it. (sama mcm aku la suka judge orang, walaupun kdg dah tegaskn diri supaya jgn judge orang!) (maaf)
Aku ckp bndalah atas ni pun aku tak tau la nape -_-"
Ok abaikan.
Post yg ini, aku nak kurangkan gelak "hahaha hihihi hehehe huhuhu" aku. Rasa cam segalanya nak huhahuha tak best lah pulak. Saja je nak tunjuk ke-serius-an pada post kali ini! *muka serius*

Harini aku mcm takde mood. Hilang semangat. Hilang arah tuju... macam tak kenal diri aku lagi.
Bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan.
I'm sick of myself, i'm sick of my laziness, i'm sick of everything about it. Yep, exactly.
Da bape bulan da cuti, and yet nothing productive i've done for myself. NOTHING. i sometimes pity myself for being too.... hm tak tau la nk cakap ape. i feel like i'm toturing myself la haish ;__;

I feel like i'm lost in the jungle with a group of ppl, and everyone are trying to figure out their way out from the jungle, while me, sitting there and not doing anything to getting out from there, only wait for something miracle to happen to me. can u see how annoying is my attitude??! T.T
i am this type of person who are afraid to try something new, something challenging. this is me, and aku masih tak berubah. masih begini...

ya Allah, forgive me T.T
ya Allah, walau apa pun yg aku lakukan, walau di mana aku berada,
peliharalah hatiku daripada berpaling dari-Mu ya Allah. Nauzubillah...
Susahnya nak istiqamah kan hati.. kadang tu mcm ikut mood pula. ya Allah.. hinanya aku... T.T

20th of March, hm..
Wishing all the best for all 95's batch for SPM results!
semoga kite redha dgn keputusan yg kita dpt. maybe itu yg terbaik utk diri kita.
sempat lg berdoa & minta dgn Allah.. in syaa Allah.
don't worry ^0^ Allah will listen to our du'a.
kadang ape yg kite minta, ape yg kite teringin cpt je Allah bagi,
Allahu Allah, thanks for everything ya Allah :")

you, your coeval cousins, and your friends are getting straight A's for SPM,
and everyone are really happy for all of you!
And your parents, big families, teachers, and friends are all cheering up for your success.
I want that happens. seriously T.T
minta doakan ya :")
